Profile Information/Tell us more about this pet Bonnie came to me with her six teeny tiny kittens. She was thin and insatiable, trying to eat any and all food. She’s definitely calmed down, but still finishes my resident cats dinner despite my best efforts. She is very vocal, always meowing, and loves to purr. She doesn’t mind being cuddled and held, though she might complain a bit, and always wants to lay next to me in bed. She loves both high and sunny spaces, the top of the fridge being her favorite, a close second to the chair at the front window. She’s not one to hide and she visits with company. Reduced November adoption fee is $75
Pets location (City) Calgary
Cat’s Name Bonnie
Breed Guess DMS
Health? Neutered
Healthy/appears healthy
Approximate age 1 year to 3 years
Approximate Weight Adult Size/Done Growing
Energy Level? Moderately Active
Calm and mild mannered
Easily Settles, relaxes
Socialization Sweet and social
How does this animal behave around men? Loves men
How does this animal behave around women? Loves women
How does this animal behave around children? Check all that apply: Neutral with kids. First approach but isn’t aggressive when they grab her.
How does this animal behave around dogs? Check all that apply: Yes, has lived with dogs
Initially growly and avoidant. Appears to chill out with time, but haven’t had a dog for more than a few days.
This animal has been introduced to: Check all that apply: Has not been around other animals
How does this animal behave around other animals? Check all that apply: Check all that apply Stares the other animal down and may stiffen muscles
How does this cat behave around HUMANS and high value food, treats or toys? Check all that apply: Lets you take it.
Isn’t relaxed about it though.
How does this animal behave around cats? Yes, has lived with cats
Still not a fan.
Feeding Requirements? Requires separate feeding space
Just trying to build food security – might not be necessary. She ate out of her kittens dish at the same time.
Leash/Collar training? Not collar or leash trained
Being left alone? Does OK loose
Chewed a few wires/cords at the beginning.
House training? Litter trained
Car rides? Needs to be in crate
Fearful of the car
Nail trimming? Does great
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