Huey is a 18 year old male cat. He is neutered and up to date on his shots. all of Hueys teeth have been removed except for 4 of them. Otherwise Huey is in good shape for an older gentleman. Adoption fee for Huey is $100.
Hueys mom passed away and was passed down to her daughter who was allergic to Huey. Huey has been thriving in his foster home. Although he is 18, you really cant tell. He is very curious about the resident cats and dog. Huey loves when the dog comes to visit his cat room. Since being in care, he has had all of his teeth removed except for 4. He is eating just fine without them. A perfect day for Huey includes sitting in the sunshine in his bed. And endless snuggles and pets from whoever will give them to him. Huey is the sweetest old man. He would love to sit in someone’s front room window for the rest of his days. As long as he is often spoiled with some of his favorite treats including tuna. Followed by snuggling up next to you in bed.
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