

Profile Information/Tell us more about this pet Kylie is a sweet and snuggly cat who enjoys being cuddled and petted. She does enjoy company when eating, I find that she wants you to watch her eat and will wait for some pets then begin eating. She makes little grumble noises when eating if you pet her but wants you there when she eats. She’s good with other cats and is learning about dogs as I’m sure mine are the first she’s encountered. She hisses a bit and smacks at their face but let’s them sniff her and be near her.  Adoption Fee is $75.00
Pets location (City) Calgary
Cat’s Name Kylie
Breed Guess Domestic Short Hair
Health? Spayed
Approximate age Approximately 1 year
Approximate Weight Young Cat, still growing
Energy Level? Enjoys playing with toys
Calm and mild mannered
Easily Settles, relaxes
Socialization Sweet and social
How does this animal behave around men? Not been around a male
How does this animal behave around women? Loves women
How does this animal behave around children? Check all that apply: Not been around young children
How does this animal behave around dogs? Check all that apply: Can be around  dogs with management and proper introductions
She’s a baby and hisses and smacks at my dogs but is getting used to them
This animal has been introduced to: Check all that apply: Small animals-Did great
How does this animal behave around other animals? Check all that apply: Check all that apply Prefers to observe first and will join in when comfortable
Greets appropriately
How does this cat behave around HUMANS and high value food, treats or toys? Check all that apply: Lets you take it.
Posture is relaxed, no muscles tensed.
Seems very carefree and unconcerned about holding onto food or toys.
How does this animal behave around cats? Yes, has lived with cats
Respectful with cats
Feeding Requirements? No special requirements
Leash/Collar training? N/A
Being left alone? Does OK loose
Used to being left alone all day
House training? Litter trained
Car rides? Loves the car, rides great.
Needs to be in crate
Nail trimming? Have not tried to trim her nails yet
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