

Pets location (City) Airdrie
Dog’s Name Marigold
Breed Guess domestic shorthair
Health? Spayed
Approximate age May 2020
Approximate Weight 3.5 KG
Energy Level? Enjoys playing with toys
Socialization Sweet and social
How does this animal behave around men? not sure
How does this animal behave around women? Loves women
How does this animal behave around children under 10 years old? Check all that apply: Loves kids
How does this animal behave around dogs? Check all that apply: Yes, has lived with dogs
This animal has been introduced to: Check all that apply: Has not been around other animals
How does this animal behave around other animals? Check all that apply: Check all that apply Marigold has been around our two adult cats and our small dog, and they all get along.
How does this dog behave around OTHER cats and high value food, treats or toys? Check all that apply: Lets the other cat take it.
How does this dog behave around HUMANS and high value food, treats or toys? Check all that apply: Lets you take it.
How does this animal behave around cats? Yes, has lived with cats
Feeding Requirements? No special requirements
Leash/Collar training? Not collar or leash trained
Being left alone? so far has only been left with the dog and other cats
House training? Litter trained
Fences? Not applicable
Car rides? has only gone to the vet
Nail trimming? We haven’t tried to trim nails yet
Any additional comments regarding temperament that haven’t been covered by the questions above? Marigold tries to get outside.  It is less intense than when she was in heat, and my hope is that it continues in that direction. But she was originally an outdoor cat, so it may be hard to break the habit.
Profile Information Marigold is so sweet. Since getting spayed she has been as playful as her kittens.  She follows me from room to room just like my dog. She is sweet and friendly, and we love her. Her tail is always straight up in the air, with a little bend at the top, and the peach polka-dot on the end. Her eyes are bright green, and she is both spritely and kind, relaxed and calm. She will be an amazing addition to your family.
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