Mitch is vaccinated, neutered, dewormed, and microchipped. His adoption fee is $248
Profile Information/tell us more about this pet | Meet Mitchell! A wonderfully charming and exuberant boy just waiting for the day he gets his new family! Could it be you? Let’s find out! Do you love a boy who will give all the hugs and snuggles you could want? Are you looking for an adventure buddy who is sturdy and comfortable in all temperatures and loves to see and smell new things? Are you looking for a calm and easy to manage partner to sit by the couch and enjoy a lazy afternoon? Do you want a good boy to totally bro out with your current four legged friend? Well, you’re in luck! It sounds like Mitchell is your dude. Though this chap has a few minor maintenance requirements ( I don’t know if you noticed, but he’s a hairy guy) he has been wonderfully neutral and engaged with us since the day he came home. Mitchell has many dog friends and dies his best to respect all sizes and ages. The only training left for Mitchell is establishing the rules in his new home!Mitchell, due to absolutely no fault of his own, has been in care waaaaay to long. Long enough he came in as a puppy and is now celebrating his first birthday. Before he goes, Mitchell would like you to know that he is a BIG boy. The size of a good size Shephard. He also knows you noticed his wild and very cool coat. He is wonderful about handling and brushing, but he does shed and will have some regular brushing requirements to keep his skin and coat healthy. Mitchell loves walkies, treats, playing with toys and balls, wrestling, chewing sticks, and being an all-around good boy. Come meet Mitchell today |
Pets location (City) | Calgary |
Dog’s Name | Mitchell |
Breed Guess | Husky Shephard poodle ( ha!) |
Health? | Neutered |
Approximate age | 1 year |
Approximate Weight | 65-80 lb |
Energy Level? | Enjoys playing with toys Moderately Active-Requires a good daily walk Easily Settles, relaxes |
Socialization | A little shy but warms up when you’re nice |
How does this animal behave around men? | A little bit shy/scared of men Takes a few seconds longer to relax around men simply due to lack of experience. very susceptible to bribery. 🙂 |
How does this animal behave around women? | Loves women |
How does this animal behave around children? Check all that apply: | Mitchell tries his best to be aware of people all ages, but is still a young lady and can make mistakes. As we do not have very young children in the home, he has limited experience. He has been gentle with the children he has met and fairly neutral. Due to his bouncy boy antics we would recommend the age of children on a case-by-case basis |
How does this animal behave around dogs? Check all that apply: | Very social with other dogs Enjoys playing with other dogs Mitchell has been around all sizes, energies, ages, and different breeds. He lives with everything from a 4 lb Yorkie to a 75lb malinois. He is exceptional with the dogs he lives with, however, he will match play. He is very careful and LOVES puppies. He has not resource guarded or behaved reactively with the dogs around our home, we simply ask for supervision to ensure proper manners are respected with dogs in a new home. He is young and will simply need feedback to support what a good boy he is |
This animal has been introduced to: Check all that apply: | Small animals-Did great Livestock-Did great Birds (Domestic Farm)-Did great Low prey drive Mitchell lives next to horses, quail, and farm cats. He loves and has met all ages and sizes of dogs. Mitchell has low to no prey drive, HOWEVER. He does love playing and does not discriminate between species so supervision is required around fearful animals to ensure Mitchell understands boundaries |
How does this animal behave around strange dogs or other animals? Check all that apply: Check all that aply | Prefers to observe first and will join in when comfortable No sense of personal space, just gallops up to the other animal and expects the other animal to be fine with that Enjoys playing with other dogs Mitchell is exceptional with respecting boundaries with our young, small, and senior pets. He has not had much experience off-property meeting on leash and we do not frequent off-leash parks for safety. With appropriate guidance, Mitchell will follow the queues of his family and the dogs he knows, and is easily engaged with food |
DOGS: How does this dog behave around OTHER DOGS and high value food, treats or toys? Check all that apply: | Lets the other dog take it. Mitchell has not resource guarded in OUR home. We do feed him in his crate due to a large number of dogs at our residence, but he has had treats toys, and chews with absolutely no rude behaviour |
DOGS: How does this dog behave around HUMANS and high value food, treats or toys? Check all that apply: | Lets you take it. Seems very carefree and unconcerned about holding onto food or toys. |
How does this animal behave around cats? | Respectful with cats Mitchell has previously thought cats were dogs and could be chased and played with. However, our farm cats quickly dissolved that notion and now he is respectful and avoids the cats. We will consider cat-in-home adoption on a case by case basis |
Feeding Requirements? | No special requirements Can get upset tummy with quick food changes and raw items. |
Leash/Collar training? | Learning about walks and loving it Pulls a little on leash Mitchell walks in a harness or on a collar. We do self-led walks with Mitch as he is very relaxed and engaged during exploration and we believe walks are fir the dog. He needs little feedback to ensure he is polite. And cAn walk loose leash with little effort |
Being left alone? | Used to being left alone all day Mitchell is fully crate trained and will RUN to it when it is downtime. We have not left Mitchell loose in our home due to the large number of dogs here. But when he is wonderfully behaved when out. Mitchell can be a bit if an opportunist but needs very little guidance to stay on track. |
House training? | Crate trained Can hold it overnight Mitchell has not been left free in the home while we are away. That being said, it would take very little to adjust him to new environments with proper boundaries and guidance |
Fences? | Needs a fence at least 4 feet high Mitchell has exceptional recall and is not a flight risk. He has walked over a snow drift out if our yard and was waiting at the front door for us |
Car rides? | Car rides are not Mitchell’s favourite. He is quiet and respectful but may shy getting in and out of the vehicle. I believe he will continue to get better in this regard the more practice he has. |
Nail trimming? | Does great Mitchell is wonderful fir nail trims and will sit or lay down |
Any additional comments regarding temperament that haven’t been covered by the questions above? | Mitchell is one if the most phenomenally charming and neutral dogs I have had the pleasure of working with. He is not reactive in the yard ( no barking g even when other dogs are) he listens well, watches and listens to feedback from other animals, and is a joy to engage with. Mitchell IS NOT a ” typical ” husky. Other than part of his looks and the occasional pothole in the yard he is a wonderfully well-rounded exceptional young man. With further one-on-one time and a family to adore, Mitchell is going to make the most incredible family member. |
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