

's Story Adopt Application Forms Adopt the Perfect Pet Adopt a Dog Complete our online application. Application Adopt a Cat Complete our online application. Application Foster a Pet Complete our online application. Application More Cats From Rescue Friends Kermit Miss...
Miss Piggy

Miss Piggy

's Story Adopt Application Forms Adopt the Perfect Pet Adopt a Dog Complete our online application. Application Adopt a Cat Complete our online application. Application Foster a Pet Complete our online application. Application More Cats From Rescue Friends Kermit Miss...


Cat Sadie Adoptable Sadie's Story 🌟 Meet Sadie 🌟 Sadie is a sweet and independent girl who came to Rescue Friends with her companion Willow after their owner sadly passed away. Together, they overcame their initial challenges and are now thriving in their foster home....


Kitten Benedict Adoptable Benedict's Story 🌟 Meet Benedict (Benny) 🌟 Benny is a sweet and social kitten with a big personality and a love for treats! He came into foster care with his four sisters and has been making incredible progress, showing his friendly and...


Kitten Hollandaise Adoptable Hollandaise's Story 🌟 Meet Hollandaise 🌟 Hollandaise is a stunning long-haired beauty with a tiny, kitten-sized frame and a growing heart full of love. Once a shy and timid kitten, Holly has been making incredible progress in her foster...