

Profile Information/tell us more about this pet Hulk is a very sweet boy. He is happiest playing with his brother and especially his foster sister. He has endless energy. Loves toys, running around in the yard and long walks. He is very food motivated! If there is food, you will find Hulk! He is very affectionate, loves hugs and cuddles. He likes to be around his people, gets whiny when he can’t see them. He is not fond of the car.
Pets location (City) Calgary
Dog’s Name Hulk
Breed Guess Shepard Mix
Health? Neutered
Approximate age Under 6 months
Approximate Weight Still Growing
Energy Level? Enjoys playing with toys
High Energy-Requires long walks, dedicated to regular activity
Socialization Sweet and social
How does this animal behave around men? Loves men
How does this animal behave around women? Loves women
How does this animal behave around children? Check all that apply: Loves kids
Too energetic or rough for young children
How does this animal behave around dogs? Check all that apply: Yes, has lived with dogs
Needs another dog for companionship/support
Very social with other dogs
Enjoys playing with other dogs
This animal has been introduced to: Check all that apply: Small animals-Did great
How does this animal behave around strange dogs or other animals? Check all that apply: Check all that aply Runs up to them to play
Enjoys playing with other dogs
DOGS: How does this dog behave around OTHER DOGS and high value food, treats or toys? Check all that apply: Lets the other dog take it.
Posture is relaxed, no muscles tensed.
Gobbles the food faster.
DOGS: How does this dog behave around HUMANS and high value food, treats or toys? Check all that apply: Lets you take it.
Posture is relaxed, no muscles tensed.
How does this animal behave around cats? Has not been around cats/recommend no cat home
Feeding Requirements? No special requirements
Very food motivated. Does get upset tummy from medications
Leash/Collar training? Already wearing a collar and used to it
Learning about walks and loving it
Seems very well leash trained, walks nicely on leash.
Being left alone? Needs to be contained to a small area
House training? Solidly housebroken, will bark or pace or scratch door to go outside
Can hold it overnight
Fences? Needs a fence 6 feet high
Escape/Flight Risk
Likes to dig under fence
Car rides? Needs help to get into car but likes to ride
Seems unsure of getting into car
Very nervous, pants and whines
Not very nervous but will whine
Nail trimming? We haven’t tried to trim nails yet
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