Due to the overwhelming response, we are no longer accepting applications for Zoey. We will review the current submissions. We do hope that there is another dog that you may consider as an alternative to apply for.
Pets location (City) | Calgary |
Dog’s Name | Zoey |
Breed Guess | Dachshund |
Health? | Spayed |
Approximate age | 6-9 years |
Approximate Weight | 16-30 lb |
Energy Level? | Moderately Active-Requires a good daily walk Calm and mild mannered Easily Settles, relaxes |
Socialization | A little shy but warms up when you’re nice |
How does this animal behave around men? | A little bit shy/scared of men |
How does this animal behave around women? | A little bit shy/scared of women |
How does this animal behave around children under 10 years old? Check all that apply: | Older Kids/Kids Respectful of her space |
How does this animal behave around dogs? Check all that apply: | Lives with dogs but needs guidance Selective with other dogs Shown reactivity meeting other dogs Can be around other dogs with management and proper introductions |
This animal has been introduced to: Check all that apply: | Small animals-Did great Wants to chase birds, squirrels & cats when on walks |
How does this animal behave around strange dogs or other animals? Check all that apply: Check all that aply | Prefers to observe first and will join in when comfortable Stares the other animal down and may stiffen muscles |
DOGS: How does this dog behave around OTHER DOGS and high value food, treats or toys? Check all that apply: | Has not wanted to play with toys, but does watch the resident dog play with some interest |
DOGS: How does this dog behave around HUMANS and high value food, treats or toys? Check all that apply: | Lets you take it. Seems very carefree and unconcerned about holding onto food or toys. Does not play w/ toys |
How does this animal behave around cats? | Has not been around cats/recommend no cat home |
Feeding Requirements? | Eats kibble/soft mix |
Leash/Collar training? | Already wearing a collar and used to it Pulls a little on leash Seems very well leash trained, walks nicely on leash. Reactive to other dogs on leash Reactive to other stimuli (cars, bikes, skateboards, birds, squirrels etc.) |
Being left alone? | Does OK loose Used to being left alone all day |
House training? | Partially housebroken, but doesn’t know how to tell you when needs to go outside Can hold it overnight Prefers to do her business on a walk |
Fences? | 4′ Fence |
Car rides? | Loves the car, rides great. Sits in back seat Needs help to get into car but likes to ride She loves the car but tries to get in the front so she should be buckled or harnessed in. |
Nail trimming? | We haven’t tried to trim nails yet |
Profile Information |
Zoey is very loyal to her person and enjoys being nearby.
Loves treats, belly rubs and sleeping under the covers. |
Application Forms
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