You can meet Jen at Main Street Unique in Innisfail during regular business hours. They are located at 4804 50 St #117, Innisfail, AB T4G 1C2
Profile Information/Tell us more about this pet | Jen is a tiny little girl. She loves to play with her brother. She is a mama’s girl She loves to cuddle with her mom. |
Pets location (City) | You can meet Jen at Main Street Unique in Innisfail during regular business hours. They are located at 4804 50 St #117, Innisfail, AB T4G 1C2 |
Cat’s Name | Jen |
Breed Guess | Torti |
Health? | Spayed |
Approximate age | Under 6 months |
Approximate Weight | Kitten, still growing |
Energy Level? | Enjoys playing with toys Moderately Active |
Socialization | A little shy but warms up when you’re nice |
How does this animal behave around men? | Not tested |
How does this animal behave around women? | Loves women |
How does this animal behave around children? Check all that apply: | not tested |
How does this animal behave around dogs? Check all that apply: | Yes, has lived with dogs |
This animal has been introduced to: Check all that apply: | Small animals-Did great |
How does this animal behave around other animals? Check all that apply: Check all that apply | Prefers to observe first and will join in when comfortable |
How does this cat behave around HUMANS and high value food, treats or toys? Check all that apply: | Seems very carefree and unconcerned about holding onto food or toys. |
How does this animal behave around cats? | Yes, has lived with cats |
Feeding Requirements? | No special requirements |
Leash/Collar training? | Not collar or leash trained |
Being left alone? | Does OK loose |
House training? | Litter trained |
Car rides? | Needs to be in crate |
Nail trimming? | We haven’t tried to trim nails yet |
Any additional comments regarding temperament that haven’t been covered by the questions above? |
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