


Trax is a very shy kitten but is gaining confidence every day. He is neutered, vaccinated, dewormed, and microchipped. Estimated DOB July 6, 2023

We are offering Trax to an approved home with an ADOPTION FEE BY DONATION.

Trax is a sweet, gentle boy. He’s happiest when you’re giving him a good chin scratch.
Pets location (City) Calgary
Cat’s Name Trax
Breed Guess Short haired Tabby
Health? Neutered
Approximate age Estimated DOB July 2023
Approximate Weight Kitten, still growing
Energy Level? Calm and mild mannered
Easily Settles, relaxes
Socialization A little shy but warms up when you’re nice
How does this animal behave around men? Loves men
How does this animal behave around women? Loves women
How does this animal behave around children? Check all that apply: Recommended for kids 14+
How does this animal behave around dogs? Check all that apply: Has not been around dogs
This animal has been introduced to: Check all that apply: Has not been around other animals
How does this animal behave around other animals? Check all that apply: Check all that apply Has not been around other animals
How does this cat behave around HUMANS and high value food, treats or toys? Check all that apply: Lets you take it.
How does this animal behave around cats? Yes, has lived with cats
Feeding Requirements? No special requirements
Leash/Collar training? Not collar or leash trained
Being left alone? Does OK loose
Shows anxiety
Used to being left alone all day
House training? Litter trained
Car rides? Needs to be in crate
Nail trimming? Not bad, a little nervous
Any additional comments regarding temperament that haven’t been covered by the questions above? Trax is shy but warms up to you. He’s on the skittish side. He doesn’t require alot of attention and feels secure in smaller spaces. He’s very mild mannered and shows no signs of aggressive. He will do best in a quiet home, where he can flourish with your kind loving patience. Once you’ve won him over he will blossom into the most loyal and loving of pets.

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